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What’s New and Business Updates

Gallery Sale

We are sad to announce we will no longer be offering custom picture framing services. Because of this, we are selling all of our custom framed pieces along with our in-stock frames. Please contact Carl at 315-476-4084 for more information.

Click HERE to see a full view of our for sale pre-framed pieces.

General Business Update

Our back door is open  for walk-in business, as well as pickup and drop-off options, located at our rear entrance on Wellington Place.

Our front entrance located on East Genesee Street will remain closed until further notice. We are offering limited delivery service at this time – please call to confirm. Open Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm After hours by appointment.

How can we help you today?

Where Can I Submit my Order?

I need help submitting my files.

How do I set up a print-ready perfect bound book?

Where are you located?

Can I get a quote on a print project?

What services do you offer?

*Orders for the offset/color copy department that include more than one printing project can be uploaded on the same order. Please use the additional instructions for directions of each project.